Monday, February 27, 2006

blogging about blogging

somehow, between my excessive whining about girls, writing an e-mail, and trying to work on philosophy paper that is due tomorrow, i've found time to make a bit of a blog post; either that or i'm just an idiot.

yeah, i'm an idiot.

anyways, i was just looking at my sidebar there, the one with the links to blogs that have readers and whatnot, and was thinking that i should highlight why they're there. if there's one thing i like more than enjoying something all by my lonesome self, its showing it to other people, so they can get excited about it too.

here goes:

blog heroes?
should be self explanatory. heroes. who blog. or bloggers who've become my heroes. you get the idea.

Neil Gaiman -- haven't yet read Anansi Boys, but i'm sure i will one day, when orchards bloom, and the air is soft, like a baby's blanket, and time for pleasure-reading is abundant like wild berries in summer. as for now, i take Gaiman's writing in pill-form; not quite the luxuriant breakfast that they show on the side of cerial boxes, but still a good way to get your eight essential vitamins, when that's all you have time for...

girish -- excellent, excellent writer. friend from real life, too. mostly a movie blog these days, with some MP3 audioblogging thrown in for good measure: always a good read, and always an educational experience. but, more than anything, and excellent, inspiring, solid writer. girish fits words together like chain links, and his sentances are jointed, angular and strong. check out his dialogues (my personal favorites: conversations with my mom). girish, as far as i know, is one of the first people on the net to institute synchroblogging. it all started with the ten year anniversary of the release of Showgirls. go figure. :)

Overheard Lines -- "Things actual people actually said, captured by an eavesdropping playwright in San Francisco named Tim (or his spying friends)." this description modestly leaves out one other thing: pure genius. Tim's are usually the best, and what makes them so funny is the one-two punch of quote, coupled with it's title. some say the best way to read them is to read the quote first, and the title second; i think you should go there and find out for yourself.

A Softer World -- a three panel photopoem, really, and not so much a blog. i didn't figure that out exactly until after i'd linked to it, and i'm too lazy to change it now. sometimes hysterically funny, sometimes strikingly something else. they've really got a range of things going on here. it is like watching someone sneak up and tear off the bedsheets of a lovemaking couple, mid-coitus.

Progressive Ruin -- a comic book blog, from Mike Sterling. yeah, i don't know who Mike Sterling is either; but he works at a comic-shop, runs a blog, and is funny as hell. -- cliche, you say? the widest read blog on the web, you say? yes, cliche. like Shakespeare is cliche. and if you think Shakespeare is cliche, you're a dolt. that is how i feel about Heather. she's got it all: moving, funny, gross, crude, beautiful, naked. she's a great writer. she's often at her best when she's writing either about her daughter, Leta, or poop. my hand to God. imagine how great it is when the two topics come together for a cosmically amazing post? it does not get any better.

Paul Dini, the King of Breakfast -- i'm not sure why he's the King of Breakfast, but seriously, this guy could be the King of whatever-the-hell-he-wants in my book. things he has worked on, for which he gets mad props: He-Man, and the Masters of the Universe. Batman: the Animated Series (anyone ever seen the episode "Almost Got 'em"?......the best 22 minutes of cartoon you may ever watch), the oversized Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Justice League comic books, painted by Alex Ross. just to name a few things. oh, yeah -- he was also a co-writer for "Lost".......

Broken Glass Makes Me Laugh -- yes, it makes me laugh too. sometimes a comic blog, sometimes pop-culture reflection, sometimes just musings on life chocolate coated with good ol' fashioned north-of-the-border wit that us folks in the states just eat up. Davinder always brings it.

the first rule of blogging... -- if you're curious about what that rule is, go visit Keest's blog. i will give you a hint though: i am breaking that rule right now. what can i say about keest? her phrasecraft is top-shelf scotch; i can't get enough. like the dearly departed John Spencer, as Leo McGarry, once said about alcholism: how can you not want to feel like this all the time? which is why i get the shakes when keest neglects her blog...still....her writing is fragrant with wit and talent, and its got teeth. go check her out. as a favor to me. you won't be disappointed.

Hellboy Animated -- how often do you get an inside look at something this cool? i know i may be the only cartoon guy in the vicinity, but this promises to good stuff; sci-fi, animation, and suspense all at its best. and you get to watch it all come together, before your very eyes. it is a gift from Tetragrammaton Jehovah, as far as i'm concerned.

TokyoBlog -- oh my GOD. such a great idea, so wonderfully executed. just take a look, it is outrageously charming and good. a new favourite of mine. read it. so neat.

ok, you go read those, and lemme know what you think. i'll write about the next set while you're gone.


girish said...

Phil, That Tokyoblog is *astonishing*!

girish said...

Phil, At some point, you need to get a scanner (they're fairly cheap these days) and put your all your great artwork on your blog. People are gonna love it, and you'll get great feedback and it'll make you want to draw and write even more. All good things.

phil said...

ahhh...we shall see..........i never feel like i draw anything that is appropriate to what i write though.....i don't know. maybe that's not true. anyway....we've a scanner in our computer lab at school, i could give that a shot. my parents have a scanner too, but it isn't hooked up right now.......
i'll see what i can do....

TomServo0 said...

Hey Phil, here's a question from out of nowhere . . . are you still writing a song about Frank Fanara? I walked over that bridge for like two years and didn't know anything about him 'til today, when I found your post about him in a Google search. Do you know anything else about him? --Fred from way back

girish said...

"i never feel like i draw anything that is appropriate to what i write though."

Phil, A couple of options off the top of my head:

Posting a drawing:
(1) that has perhaps a glancing affinity with the post.
(2) that has an outright "non-sequiturial" relationship to the post (which could end up being funny, or surreal, or provocative or just plain absurdist).
(3) by itself, for a post. Perhaps with a title.

Just some ideas....

I've seen your sketchbook and it's packed with virtuosic work. Your readership would eat it up like cake.

phil said...

keest, its good to see you. :) i saved my new word "phrasecraft" for the description of your writing, so that should tell you how much i appreciate it -- i don't often fling my new creations at just anyone...(although the word is sounding more and more to me like a bad educational/first person shooter videogame)

and i'm glad you've got my back on the RnThaG posts....i was beginning to think it was just me, and that i was crazy....and even if i am, its good to have someone else in the ward with me. ;)

FredSchrock -- glad to see you're still knocking about around here too....ah, Frank know i owe the idea of writing that song to you, don't you? well, at any rate, the song is very underdone and far from finished. you and joe wanna write it with me?

girish -- you are, like, 1/3 of my of course my readership would eat it up. ;) your suggestions of course make sense...i can always count on your input to open things up to my mind for consideration....