Thursday, June 15, 2006

i know you've been working hard...

...mustering all your thoughts and formulating a reply to my last post, so i'm calling a recess and posting a few links that will hopefully make you laugh. in case you haven't noticed, i've put a few new links up in the "links to visit" area -- one of them is an online comic called Gunnerkrigg Court, which is dark high adventure of the kind i would have loved as a kid and find myself loving even now...definately worth checking out. the other link, from which the following links are drawn, is the website for the Perry Bible Fellowship, which is a comic-strip rather than an actual church, as such. they print two or three weekly in buffalo's alt-newspaper the Beast, and the strips always prove to be creative, if not laugh out loud funny.

here are a few of my favorites:

Bacon Egg
Ballerina Slippers
Goodnight, Full Moon
Book World (the first Perry Bible Fellowship i ever read!)
Astronaut Fall (Josh Wilson would appreciate this)

and there you have it.
use the comment option to express your gratitude for enlightening you in the ways of the Perry Bible Fellowship.

all right, coffee break's over....everyone back on your head.


phil said...

am i really the only person who thinks that the Perry Bible Fellowship strips are funny...?

come on...

Anonymous said...

::still laughing::
I thought it was funny!