Tuesday, January 24, 2006

forgive me, blogger, for i have sinned...

...its been four days since my last confession.

i have a pretty heavy reading load this semester. it could be because i am taking four english courses, a philosophy course, with a chocolate covered fourth semester latin course for dessert.

i would like to get back to some posting, as being in school always has my head bursting with new ideas, but i've got some work to do -- its the second week of school and my grip is about to slip already. so that means head in the game, feet on the ground, and fingers out of the blogosphere for the next few (units of time measurement).

no, no....not a hiatus. this is just a warning that posts will be sporadic, and unpredictable in length....as well as depth.

i will say this much:
Lolita is a fucked-up, fantastic book...and Nabokov is a fascinating writer.

did you know he met Joyce?


girish said...

No, I didn't know that.

girish said...

Yo, check it out.

phil said...

i'll have to cull the details from the annotations provided in my copy of the novel...there's a giant footnote about it...apparently they shared a pair of mutual friends, had dinner once or twice together...a couple of other things. apparently Nabs (as i affectionately call him) loved Ulysses and thought Finnegan's Wake was trash...not that i've read either, but still...it seems a little to me like saying you like the 2002 caprice classic better than the 2003...
Nabs is cranky ol', arrogant coot it seems, or at least so i gather from the footnotes...its pretty funny.

that article is great, btw...very interesting insights....i have a few of my own i'd like to explore once i finish the book and try to put all the pieces together....interesting stuff about 'identity' in there....and literary identity, and literary creation, etc. etc.

anyways. so yeah.