Friday, January 13, 2006

shower, shave, and shake it off

with all this nice weather, and all these nice anti-biotics in my bloodstream, i think i can pull my self out of this year end grave. its about time. turns out i will have enough money to pay for both my car, and my rent, and still have some left over so that i might be able to pay rent again very very soon.

now all i have to do is knock my sleep cycle back into place, get some teeth pulled, and get some new contact lenses. and i'll be in perfect shape.

school starts on tuesday. i can't wait. my books are going to cost almost $400...thank God for deferrments. i am going to have loads of reading this semester...but that's the reason i became an english major: to become well-read.

sometimes life sucks, and sometimes life works out too.

i'll be back to actual posting soon. at any rate, here are three that i wrote last night after a couple beers,a couple shots, and a late walk up on my roof.

the stars do flicker;
the waning moon a lozenge
in the mouth of night

this haiku: a lie
i wrote it about a truth
when it was not true

this haiku: a truth
it is more true than truth is
because it transcends

and those are my haikuses.
i've been working on a perseus/pygmalion and gorgon/galatea poem for awhile now...i don't know if i'll ever finish it or if it will ever be good when i do....the ideas have been swarming my head for a few months, but i can't seem to get them out right. perhaps i should apply more alcohol to the affected area, and see what comes out.

here are two stanzas that i may or may not keep (they go near the end of the poem):

you have looked into my heart
see now, what a peach pit
you leave behind
an ore of a fallen star
its fiery pulp

i have flown away on the horses
of your blood;
i have wrapped your
writhing memory in a bag of
and dropped it into
the sea
i wrote these to go write next to eachother, but now that i read (and type) them, i'm not sure if they fit together that way. i suppose i should try writing the rest of the poem to figure out where they would fit better, huh? it would be a start.
i was thinking today, that if i had enough poetry that i could scrape together and not completely hate, i'd like to publish a small first, when this was a project for my poetry class at school, i thought of entitling it something pretensious like @delphi. but now that i unofficially withdrew from that course and am thinking of doing my own chapbook for fun and profit (ha!) rather than an actual grade, i'm thinking of dropping the pretense and entitling it something like VALIDATE. i think as a title it explains a lot -- about the reason i would even think of self-publishing at all, about my insecurities as a thinker and writer and person in general...and about the reasons i find myself writing sometimes. but that's all contingent on whether or not i can scrape together enough decent poetry, like i said......which, in my case, may take some time.

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